Uploading to prose.sh with CI

· fjij's blog

So, I set up a repo that uploads to prose using GitHub CI. This is how I did it.

First I created an SSH key for me to use.

1KEY_NAME=<your key name>
2ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ./$KEY_NAME.key -N ''

I added the public key to pico.sh.

I added the private key to my GitHub repo secrets as CI_KEY.

Don't commit this key, you can delete it when you're done using it.

Then, I wrote this CI script.

 1name: Deploy
 4  push:
 5    branches: [ "main" ]
 6  workflow_dispatch:
 9  deploy-prose:
10    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
11    steps:
12    - name: Checkout
13      uses: actions/checkout@v4
14    - name: Create SSH key
15      run: echo "$SSH_KEY" > "$KEY_PATH" && chmod 600 "$KEY_PATH"
16      env:
17        KEY_PATH: ./key
18        SSH_KEY: ${{ secrets.CI_KEY }}
19    - name: Upload
20      run: rsync --rsh='ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ./key' *.md prose.sh:/

This is saved in .github/workflows/deploy.

After doing these steps, GitHub should automatically deploy your prose!